Saturday, August 18, 2012

Final Thoughts!:

My five week study abroad in South Africa was an amazing experience; I was able to immerse myself in their rick cultures and learn about their ways of life. I am so grateful for these past five weeks, as they allowed me to really think about my life and my rights and even more securely confirm how lucky I am to be an American who has rights (something that not all South Africans have due to a very corrupt government).  Now don’t get me wrong, our government has many problems of our own, but the grass is always greener….when you are on the other side! I guess I’m a lucky to have explored and experienced the many fascinating cultures that make up South Africa, and even more lucky to be able to come back to the states and promote tourism to this amazing country! I do recommend going in their summer time (our December to February).

As I took my last cold hand shower in South Africa, I realized that it wasn’t so bad; at least I had running water, more than a lot of South Africans can say. There are so many finer things in life that I did without during the past five weeks and honestly, I did just fine. Makes you wonder what you really need and what you just think you need to be happy. It’s always nice to have times like these that allow you to reflect on what is most important to you.
Well, I made a lot of great friends while in South Africa and hope to visit them in the near future.  Nuala, our program director at NMMU offered me her rental home for the next time I visit. Soooo, if anyone wants to go to South Africa, let Aaron and I know! Your trip will be effortless, as I am now an expert in South African travel! Haha, hardly the case, but my credibility is higher than it was five weeks ago! I can’t wait to return in their SUMMER SEASON (Remember, December—February)! I want to sweat next time I come to South Africa! :) 
Ta for now!  


  1. I am so excited for you to get back. I have missed you immensely!!! I'm so glad you had a wonderful time and learned so much! Love you!

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